Insecurities: We all have them. Seriously.
Every person you walk past in the street is going to be insecure about one thing or other.
It might be her hair. It might be his height. It might be his receding hairline. It might be the shape of her legs but just because everyone has them, it doesn’t mean that you have to continue to let them rule your life.
Here’s how you can take control and live your life on your terms, regardless of your insecurities.
1. Admit to yourself that you have insecurities
If you can’t admit your insecurities to yourself, then you’re never going to be able to deal with them. After all, you can’t solve a problem until you admit it exists.
So, to kick off this process of dealing with your insecurities, write out a list of everything that you’re insecure about. Seriously, take 5 minutes now to write down a list of everything that you’re insecure about.
2. Admit to others that you have insecurities
Yes, it’s true. This has to be the next step. Why? Because it’s going to give you the space to start dealing with your insecurities rather than just pretending that they don’t exist.
I know it’s scary. I know it’s going to be tough. But it’s the fastest and easiest way to overcome your insecurities. Why? Because the real problem with insecurities isn’t that you think you’re short / overweight / have big ears / smell / a virgin. The reason your insecurities limit your life is because of what you think other people think of them.
You’re afraid of being judged and rejected based on your insecurities. because of this, you hold back your thoughts and opinions, don’t take the action you want to, and spend your life hiding away because you’re afraid of other peoples judgements and criticisms. You spend your life, stuck in your head, trying to deal with imaginary situations based on what you think other people might say or do if they found out.
The problem with this is that there are 1,000,000 different situations you can dream up and 1,000,000 more ways to deal with them. You could literally sit, stuck in your head, for years of your life trying to come up with a solution to every situation. And then when you come up with an imaginary situation that you can’t solve, you just decide not to do what you want anyway.
But here’s the catch: you can never solve an imaginary situation because it doesn’t exist.
Until you have something real and concrete to work with, you’re just going to spend your days imagining and thinking without ever making any progress.
By telling people that you’re insecure about your receding hair line, then you have a situation you can work with. Then you have a situation where you can find a solution and take action to eliminate the problem. But until you tell them, it’s just empty thoughts and fairy tales.
I’m not suggesting that you just have to run onto the street and yell your deepest, darkest secrets at the sky. Take your time. Open up to people you trust first. Then, once you’ve done that, open up to people you’re comfortable with. Then, open up to people you don’t know quite so well.
Keep going until everyone in your life knows about what you’re insecure about so that you actually have concrete and real situations to deal with.
3. Eliminate all those from your life who try to take advantage of your insecurities
There’s no point in pretending that everyone you meet is going to gently and calmly reassure you that you’re a valuable part of their life and that your insecurities don’t matter.
There are some real arseholes out there. But that’s fine.
By them trying to take advantage of your insecurities about being overweight / having pimples, they’re doing you a HUGE favor. They’re baring their real colours for you to see so you don’t have to worry about what they’re thinking about you any more. They’re showing you that they’re not the kind of person that you want in your life and you can eliminate them without wondering whether or not you’re making a mistake. “But what if no-one accepts me???” Then you’ve been wasting your time with a pack of arseholes for FAR too long and it’s about time you did something about it.
4. Prove to yourself that you can be happy and fulfilled regardless of what you’re insecure about
Now that you’ve dealt with the baggage from the past, you can start to move forward.
The reason that you were insecure about lack of experience with women / inability to pickup is because in some long forgotten point in time, you thought it was necessary for you to be happy and fulfilled in life.
Who knows where… Who knows when. All you can be certain of is that it’s there.
For you to really eliminate your insecurities for good, you need to prove to yourself that you can actually be happy, fulfilled, and free despite your lack of money / weird family / poor fashion sense.
Logically, you might know that being overweight doesn’t stop you being happy but obviously, there’s some part of subconscious that hasn’t quite caught on.
You can’t change your subconscious by chanting into a mirror every morning or meditating your way through it. This is something that can only be achieved through action. You need to become happy and fulfilled, whilst the thing you’re insecure about is still there.
When you can do this, you’ll stop worrying about your receding hairline because you’re happy despite the fact that it’s still there.
The interesting thing about the process of eliminating your insecurities is that
Step 2 can actually go a long way to fulfilling Step 4.
One of the big reasons that guys are insecure is that they think they’ll be rejected, outcast, and alone if people find out the truth about them.
To break this down even further: They currently feel lonely, they desire to experience connection, and they way they think they bridge the gap is by putting up a shield, pretending they don’t have insecurities, and acting like they’re totally cool and confident.
The deepest and strongest connections you can create are ones based on open, honest, real, sharing and finding other who have had the same experiences as you.
This is what you’re doing in Step 3: you’re opening up, sharing the private and personal experiences you’ve had, finding others who connect with you on that level, and eliminating all those you don’t.
You’re forging deep and real connections THROUGH your insecurities rather than by trying to hide them.
In Conclusion
There are 4 simple steps to overcoming your insecurities:
1. Admit your insecurities to yourself
2. Admit your insecurities to others
3. Eliminate all the people from your life who attempt to take advantage of your insecurities
4. Find happiness and fulfilment regardless of your insecurities
A great way to start this process is to share your insecurities below. Take the first step in being able to admit your insecurities by sharing them with the guys.
Yes, it’s scary… Yes, it’s challenging… But if you can’t share them on an anonymous website, when are you ever going to be able to share them?
lol.. I don't even have the courage to share mine here.
culled from: